Although many villagers are deeply hurt, but gambling game were destroyed after the next occurrence of an unexpected, but the case. 尽管很多村民都深受其害,可是赌博电玩被捣毁之后,接下来却发生了一个让人意想不到的情况。
As long as there are charge points or coin, can be identified as gambling video game. 只要存在押分或者退币,就可以认定为赌博电玩。
Shengguantu game primitively was a kind of traditional gambling game, which later had gradually become a folk narrative poem. 通过将哥特符码置于美国历史发展的场景中,这种场景也就成为美国被压抑的历史记忆的民族叙事。
The photo shows the police back to the police station gambling video game computer board register storage. 图为民警把赌博电玩电脑板带回派出所登记入库。
The investigation, three suspects turned out to be the same restaurant chefs, are addicted to gambling video game. 经查,三名嫌疑人竟然是同家餐厅的厨师,均沉迷赌博电玩。
How there is no milk, only gambling video game? 怎么里面没有牛奶,只有赌博电玩?
Which are all gambling video game, and at the door are artificially processed with other items to cover with. 里面全是赌博电玩,且在门口被人为地处理过,用其他物品遮掩着。
Then, the flow of the society who have been harmful gambling video game, in the end go where it? 那么,已经流向了社会的那些害人的赌博电玩,到底去往哪里了呢?
According to the owner, the type of machine is a gambling game. 据老板介绍,这类机子就是赌博电玩。
I have caught him in the game room playing a gambling game consoles and many times his son is the money lost in this game, almost a month's wages are spent on something like that. 我曾在游戏厅抓到他在玩有赌博性质的电玩。很多次儿子就是把钱输在了这种电玩上,几乎每个月的工资都花在了这上面。
Main models are class entertainment and gambling game game two. 主要机型有娱乐类电玩和赌博类电玩两种。
The screen show "Water Margin" gambling gaming side, while a middle-aged man smoking a cigarette, while watching the gambling video game focusing screen. 在画面呈现“水浒传”的赌博电玩旁,一中年男子边抽着烟,边专注看着赌博电玩画面。
The act of hiding playing cards in a gambling game so they are available for personal use later. 在赌纸牌时隐藏某些牌以便自己以后使用。
Nothing so frumpish as last year's gambling game. 没有什么像去年的博彩游戏一样过时。
No gambling or game of chance in any form shall be allowed on the Hall premises. As a biologist, I know what people suffering from genetic disease are the victims of unlucky throws of the genetic dice. 在宿舍范围内不可赌博或作任何带博彩性的活动。作为一个生物学者,我知道患有遗传病的人是命运赌博中的受害者。
He failed to refund the store, then invite people to shop smashed two gambling video game. 他要店里退钱未果,遂邀人来店砸了两台赌博电玩。
Police investigation in the process of gambling video game, the shop owner's brother Xiaomou extremely co-actually fan the police Wang a slap in the face. 在民警查处赌博电玩的过程中,该店店主的弟弟肖某极不配合,竟扇了民警王某一耳光。
Sun Feng then take classes to a salesperson said that he would go out to dinner, a taxi to the Yang extended West to play a gambling game room video games. 孙峰随后向搭班的营业员说自己要出去吃晚饭,即扬招出租车到延长西路某游戏房玩赌博电玩。
Last time I saw him play gambling video game, and lost a thousand yuan. 最近一次看到他去玩赌博电玩,又输掉了一千多元。
Moved more than ten gambling video game, video game originally wanted the city to add to their point of popularity, eventually committed casino crimes. 搬来十几台赌博电玩,原本想给自己的电玩城增添点人气,最后却犯下了开设赌场罪。
Police investigators described, the survey found that gambling video game hidden after a gang from Hunan. 警方办案人员介绍,经调查,发现赌博电玩后隐藏着一个来自湖南的团伙。
Front-line police are learning to identify gambling video game. 一线民警正在学习辨认赌博电玩。
Sure enough, and Mr Lam said, as in this entertainment, the most out of some games, while the inside next to the toilet is indeed some gambling video game. 果然和林先生所说的一样,在这家娱乐场所,最外面的是一些电玩,而里面厕所旁边的确是一些赌博电玩。
As long as this original gambling game, game money can be used, there seems to be gambling a lot of villagers unchanged. 原来只要有这种赌博电玩,游戏币就能使用,看来还有很多村民是赌性未改。
Driving around the business is booming, foreign students idle leisure, Taixing man Sohn fancy this "opportunity", 8 gambling video game rental business. 附近驾校生意十分红火,外地学员闲时无所事事,泰兴男子孙某看中这个“商机”,租房经营8台赌博电玩。
After investigation, police found that the city does have the use of video game gambling game gambling problems. 经侦查,警方发现该电玩城确有利用赌博电玩赌博的问题。
Last year, the city conducted a40-day special action regulation gambling game, gambling, gaming regulation and the establishment of long-term mechanism, regulation marked success. 去年,我市进行了为期40天的整治赌博电玩专项行动,并建立整治赌博电玩长效机制,整治成效明显。
Any gambling game in which bets are laid against the gambling house or the dealer. The task was too important to be entrusted to a child. 任何一种赌博其中赌注被放在赌房子或生意。此任务太重要而不能托付给儿童;